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Eye type of migraine: causes and treatments

Visual noise caused by eye type of migraine

Eye migraine is a rare condition, typical for a temporary loss of vision or even monocular temporary blindness.The cause of migraine is eye type, retina or retrobulbar blood vessels to reduce blood flow or vasospasm.

Eye migraine occurs, usually in the affected side of the eye will be back to normal in a hour.Eye migraine may not pain, which may be (or subsequent) migraine headaches occur together.

Very regret, "eye migraine" is a word often used to describe a more common (and harmless) condition, known as: visual migraine headaches or migraines.Its typical characteristics of temporary visual disturbance, usually disappear within 30 minutes.

Is different from the type of migraine, visual migraine usually affects both eyes.

Now let's examine the eye type and visual migraine migraine:

Eye migraine migraine and vision

Eye symptoms of migraineUsually will appear in a glance influence the Central Line of sight of small blind spot.The blind get bigger, cause you can't drive safely or reading with the affected glance.

In some cases, the affected could be a eye to the entire field of vision.In general, the attack will last for more than an hour.

Visual symptoms of migraineMay each are not identical, may include:


Visual migraine usually suddenly appeared, let you feel as if from a broken Windows look out.Visual migraine usually move about in the field of vision, and then disappeared in 30 minutes.

  1. In the middle of the field of vision or central neighborhood there is a blind spot

  2. Around the central scotoma appears colored wavy or zigzag rings

  3. A blind spot throughout the field of vision to move slowly

Visual symptoms of migraine usually affects both eyes, for 30 minutes (or less).Visual migraine symptoms subsided after a may soon had a migraine headache, also might not happen any headaches.

If eye blind spots or encounter other visual disturbance, and you are not sure whether to eye migraine migraine headache or vision, please cover one eye at a time.If the visual noise in only one eye, it is possible that eye type of migraine.If both eyes are affected, it is likely to be visual migraine.

But please don't try your luck.If vision suddenly appear any kinds of blind spots,Please call or consulting ophthalmologistAnd determine whether harmless, or may be a sign of more serious cases, for exampleRetinal detachment.

What factors cause eye and visual migraine?

It is generally believed that the eye type of migraine and the cause of migraine headache.

Migraine has a genetic basis, part of the study said litters have up to seventy percent of the people, have a family history of migraine headaches.

According to the world health organization (who), the deep brain activated a mechanism, in the head and the brain nerves and blood vessels around the release of inflammatory substances, thereby triggering migraine headaches.

Imaging studies show that eye type of migraine, migraine warning occurs, there will be blood flow to the brain changes.But why, and what is eye and visual spontaneous segregation of migraine, migraine is still unknown.

May cause migraine attacks, including eye and visual migraine) of the common migraine "triggers" include specific foods, such as cheese maturation, caffeinated drinks, red wine, smoked meat and chocolate.

Food additives, such as monosodium glutamate (MSG), as well as artificial sweeteners may trigger migraine for some people than others.

Other may trigger migraine factors include smoking, perfume or other strong smell, glare or flash, lack of sleep, and emotional stress.

Treatment and prevention

As already mentioned, the causes of visual noise may be eye type and visual migraine migraine, they often in one hour (or less), without treatment.

If eye or visual migraine migraine occurs, you are driving or operating other assignments need to be clear vision, task, please stop your hands rest until returned to normal vision.(if you are driving, please send the vehicle parked on the side of the road, waiting for the visual noise disappear completely.)

If the visual noise associated with migraine headaches occur, consult your family doctor, or nerve specialist assessment of migraine attacks.

Physicians may recommend that you take the latest drug treatment of migraine, including drugs designed to prevent future attacks.

Is another good practice, record your eye migraine or moment before the onset of migraine omen diet and activities, and to identify possible triggers, can avoid the attacks in the future.

If eye or migraine migraine omen of migraine (vision) is associated with stress, you as long as through the following ways, can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks:

  • Regular meals and balanced

  • Avoid the common migraine trigger factor

  • Get enough sleep

  • Try to stress relief activities such as yoga and massage

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